Kenny Sia introduced a BBC News Report last week in his short talk. So I read it up and felt very inspired to
poke talk about it.
An Excerpt from BBC
Luqman is the elected head of the student body. Last year he led a street protest after a state official remarked that perhaps one in 10 university places should be opened to minorities.Education is a live issue, not only for Indians but also for the entrepreneurial Chinese. They make up a quarter of the population and hold much of the nation's wealth, which allows many to study privately.But in Malaysia's growing blogsphere, there's an increasingly vocal sense of exclusion, mixed with frustration at severe security laws that allow detention without trial.Luqman, a proud Malay, has no sympathy for this new activism. He points out that even after decades of affirmative action policies the ethnic Malays remain relatively impoverished.But it isn't just about wealth. "This is our land basically. And we have already given one special privilege to the non-Malays, that is citizenship," he says.
The Chinese race is believed to be the 4th smartest among all. With the Jews being number 1. We came from a culture so deep rooted history believed we are one of the first few civilisations. We had walked this earth as much or more than anyone else. And like the Greeks ( Spartans!) , we are very proud of our logic. It sadden me when we came to Malaysia, it has brought so much hurt to the Malay people, that until so many years later, they are still labeling us as thieves who came to steal from them their riches of this land.
I do not blame the Malay people. Although some of them hated my kind, I try to see everyone very much equal. The only party that I blame is the government and their poor policies that hopefully one day will lead to their own destruction. Their logic was comparable to the aristocrat of the olden days, no foresight, selfish and bad result. 50 years of testament had only proven them more inadequate than ever. As days passed on, the only thing people now want is a change.
Wait a minute, I am sounding too serious here. Let me change my tone a little bit.
Okay first of all, The Spartans in the famous "300" is stupid. I know for a fact that it happened in history but I have no idea what is so honorable about them. I mean, they lost and died. All of them. You assemble 300 people and go out to fight with tens of thousand. That is stupidity to begin with. If you would ever suggest such a thing in the Chinese army, I will behead you straight away for sacrificing my soldiers for no reason. And then I will behead your entire household so that our Chinese offspring will never bear an abomination like yours.
In the Chinese history there were exactly 3 wars which resemble much similarity with the 300. Except for one thing, they won. One led by Chao Chao, the other led by Xiang Yu and the last one I forgot. They all fought with thousands of army against army ten fold bigger than theirs. And won with strategies much wiser than "go to the mountains, find a cramped place and fight until we all die."
You see, I have a point here, my point is, we were good at killing. We are good at killing our own people. Our brothers, our sisters. We kill them all in history. But we don't conquer any other country. We only fight among ourselves. And we became so good at one point, throughout generations of wars, more inventions were created, more strategies were written, and all those poor poets that suffer from the outcome wrote more philosophies than we could ever contain. We had a very deep culture, rooted with an identity, subconsciously planted in our head. We know ourselves as the Chinese. We do not belong to the elite group of any country, we belong to the elite group of the world. If there were an Inter-Universe Scrabble competition, or an Inter-Globe films award, definitely the Chinese is participating representing Earth.
So when we come to Malaysia, I am sorry to say that, the only logical thing to do is to monopolize your economy. I know you have said many times that we "hold much of the nation's wealth", and this time I am not going to deny it again, I am going to agree with you. Yeah, we indeed monopolize your economy. And as long as we are here, we will keep doing that. There is nothing you can do about it and it will never change. You happy?
The NEP has been there for a long while, it did not proved itself to be useful, what makes you think it will finally help everyone if I give it another 50 years? It wont, the problem is not with the Chinese or the Indians. The problem is with you, I wouldn't want to stress which 'you' am I referring here. But I see those Chinese people, you work 8 hours a day they work 10, you study 10 hours a day they study 16, you work 6 days a week they work 7. Do you know how hardworking are they? Do you think when we all sit for the same public exam together under one roof in one country at the same time, certain races just happen to score better results generally? We did that by luck or something? No, we worked for it, we sweat, we bleed. We exchange results with hard work. With or without whatsoever special rights
"If I give you the fish, you won't get hungry for a day, if I teach you how to fish, you will never be hungry again". Confucius had a point when he said this overquote phrase. Ask the government, over the years, did they teach the race they wanted to help how to fish? Or did they give them the fish day by day, year by year? You want education? I help you. You want business? I help you. If I were Malay, I would be doing some high end course in Germany now upon scholarship by JPA.
Malaysia is a big pool. There are plenty of fishes inside. When you see other races know how to fish very well, do not get angry and say that they are robbing your fishes away. The pool is here, if you want it, you can fish with us. I am not here to steal your fish. I am here to be your fishing partner.
If only we had practiced full meritocracy 50 years ago, I am pretty sure today, we will have these Malay friends that see us just like them. Not more superior or pure evil. But as a part of a body. There is no such thing as if you are Malay you are lazy, if you are Indian you are smart. It's not about Malay or Indian.
It's about who you think you are. And who you want to be. And how you want this society to think with you.
You want special rights? I say keep it. Keep whatever rights you want. I don't want to fight with you. I don't need to. We've already won. The question is "when are you ready to join us in victory?"
The BBC report continued this about
Lokeman Luqman:
Regarding the blogsphere he has a question for Malaysia's new prime minister: "When you're talking about opening the freedom of speech, how far do you want to go?"
As the future new prime minister, I shall reply to you:
"I want to go 5 kilometer far". Amen.